Welcome to your Private Pilot – Chapter 8

What effect, if any, does high humidity have on aircraft performance?

What fuel flow should a pilot expect at 11,000 feet on a standard day with 65 percent maximum continuous power?

Determine the approximate landing ground roll distance.


Pressure altitude.................Sea level

Headwind..............................4 kts


Determine the approximate landing ground roll distance.


Pressure altitude......................5,000 ft


Temperature..............................101 °F

Which combination of atmospheric conditions will reduce aircraft takeoff and climb performance?

What is density altitude?

Determine the total distance required to land over a 50-foot obstacle.

Pressure altitude.........................3,750 ft

Headwind....................................12 kts


It’s a warm summer day and you are planning a flight through a mountain pass at 11,500 feet MSL. Your aircraft’s service ceiling is 14,000 feet. You have calculated the density altitude through the mountain pass will be 14,800 feet. An appropriate course of action would be?

Under what condition is pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?

Which factor would tend to increase the density altitude at a given airport?