Steady precipitation, in contrast to showers, preceding a front is an indication of
The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that
What determines the structure or type of clouds which form as a result of air being forced to ascend?
The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication of
What are the four families of clouds?
What is indicated by the term “embedded thunderstorms”?
Which thunderstorms generally produce the most severe conditions, such as heavy hail and destructive winds?
The strength and location of the jet stream is normally
Maximum downdrafts in a microburst encounter may be as strong as
What is the MDA and visibility criteria respectively for the S 33 approach procedure?
When conducting the LOC/ DME RWY 21 approach at PDX, what is the Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) while maneuvering between the BTG VORTAC and CREAK intersection?
At which point does the basic instrument departure procedure terminate?
Using an average ground speed of 140 knots, what minimum rate of climb would meet the required minimum climb rate per NM as specified on the instrument departure procedure for RWY 9?
What response is expected when ATC issues an IFR clearance to pilots of airborne aircraft?
What action is recommended if a pilot does not wish to use an instrument departure procedure?
What does the symbol T within a black triangle in the minimums section of the IAP for a particular airport indicate?
An abbreviated departure clearance “…CLEARED AS FILED…” will always contain the name
When landing behind a large jet aircraft, at which point on the runway should you plan to land?
You arrive at your destination airport on an IFR flight plan. Which is a prerequisite condition for the performance of a contact approach?
Which procedure should be followed by a pilot who is circling to land in a Category B airplane, but is maintaining a speed 5 knots faster than the maximum specified for that category?
Aircraft approach categories are based on
You are being vectored to the ILS approach course, but have not been cleared for the approach. It becomes evident that you will pass through the localizer course. What action should be taken?
Under which conditions is hydroplaning most likely to occur?
When may a pilot make a straight-in landing, if using an IAP having only circling minimums?
Under which condition does ATC issue a STAR?