Your original route of flight was CEZ V391 JNC. However, due to thunderstorms en route, ATC revises your route to CEZ V391 DVC V68 MTJ V26 JNC. Calculate how much additional fuel you will consume given the following:
Winds = 230 @ 40 kts
TAS = 130 kts
GPH = 17
MEA is an altitude which assures
When more than one circuit of the holding pattern is needed to lose altitude or become better established on course, the additional circuits can be made
At what point should the timing begin for the first leg outbound in a nonstandard holding pattern?
You receive the ATC clearance: “…CLEARED TO THE XYZ VORTAC. HOLD NORTH ON THE THREE SIX ZERO RADIAL, LEFT TURNS…” What is the recommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?
For IFR operations off of established airways below 18,000 feet, VOR navigational aids used to describe the “route of flight” should be no more than
Which types of airspace are depicted on the En Route Low Altitude Chart?
Reception of signals from an off-airway
What is the function of the Great Falls RCO (Yellowstone vicinity)?
You receive the ATC clearance: “…HOLD WEST OF THE ONE FIVE DME FIX ON THE ZERO NINE ZERO RADIAL OF ABC VORTAC, FIVE MILE LEGS, LEFT TURNS…” You arrive at the DME fix on a heading of 350°. Which holding pattern correctly complies with these instructions, and what is the recommended entry procedure?
You receive the ATC clearance: “…HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERO RADIAL, LEFT TURNS…” What is the recommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?