I was in the military and have my FAA Commercial Helicopter license, can Race City Flight Operations help me get my Commercial fixed wing license?
YES! You will need:
-50 hrs PIC
-required XCs by 61.129 in a single engine airplane to include up to 10hrs PIC XC airplane.
-10 hrs complex or TAA in airplanes.
-5 hrs instrument training in airplanes.
-3 hrs check ride prep within 60 days.
-No knowledge test is needed per 61.63 (b) (4).
Required endorsements:
A.1, A.35, and A.74.
Checkride required testing items listed in page A-12 is just a basis for DPE oral questions. Pilot Examiners can ask more, since you are already commercial rated you should already know these types of questions (flight planning, commercial ops, etc).