Single Engine Service Ceiling
Multi Engine Service Ceiling
Maximum Takeoff/Landing Weight
Baggage Limits
Main Rear Compartment (5th and 6th Seats)
V speeds (Knots)
Vfe Max flap extension 15 degrees
V speeds (Knots)
Full Flap Speed (White Arc)
V speeds (Knots)
Vmc (Loss of directional control)
V speeds (Knots)
Vno (Maximum structural cruising speed)
V speeds (Knots)
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind
V speeds (Knots)
Vsse (Safe Single Engine Speed)/CFI speed
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
The manufacturer determines Vmc under the following conditions
Vmc ______ as altitude increases, since there is less thrust on the operative engine at higher altitudes
Fuel System
Takeoffs not permitted with less than...
Heater System
How to reduce Heater Overheat
If Door pops open on takeoff
Please review these examples on POH figures Takeoff distance over 50 ft obstacle:
Fuel burn at 8000 ft at ISA, 65% power
4 factors: Why the left engine is critical on conventional twins
4 factors: Why the left engine is critical on conventional twins
Accelerated slipstream (roll and pitch)
4 factors: Why the left engine is critical on conventional twins
4 factors: Why the left engine is critical on conventional twins
Power Off- Imminent Stall
Power Off imminent stall recovery