RCFO Finishes Assembly of Virtual Reality (VR) Flight Simulator.

Virtual Reality (VR) is an up-and-coming application of digital visualization solutions to various sectors of modern society. Implementations have been seen across areas such as the education, business, and the entertainment industries. VR provides users with enhanced simulated experiences through a headset with 3D displays.

Race City Flight Operations as the best flight school academy is taking flight training to new heights by utilizing a 4DX presentation system in conjunction with the VR headset. This setup allows individuals to experience flight simulations WITH motion. With this sim, we hope to improve learning and performance and make experiencing flying possible to those who would be otherwise unable.

What This Means for Flight School Academy Students?

While the use of this simulator cannot be counted towards flight time, it can supplement ground time and the overall experience of flying. Simulator use will always be supervised and guided by an instructor at a rate of $85.00 an hour. This sim is not an FAA approved alternative training device which is why time does not count for flight course requirements or time-building purposes. Should you have further questions about this, please speak with the Chief or Asst. Chief Flight Instructor.

Modifications to Come…

Keep in mind that while the VR Simulator is up and running, there is bound to be room for improvement in its performance. The flight school academy staff will continually work on updates to improve the quality and control of the simulations and the simulator itself. Should students or instructors have any suggestions, please feel free to let management know. This being said, should any problems arise with the use of the simulator, let management know immediately.

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