Discovery Flights are one of the best ways explore general aviation and to start your journey as pilot! A Discovery Flight is like a mini flight lesson, it’s an introduction into this amazing life our students and instructors get to experience every day. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you’re not just soaring in the skies; you’re expanding your perspective and opening yourself up to new experiences. Whether you are interested in trying flying for the first time, curious about getting your private pilot certificate or are looking to start on the career path of flying for the major airlines, our certificated instructors are here to give you the experience of a lifetime.
Prior to taking your flight, your instructor will walk you through preflighting the aircraft to gain a basic understanding of what pilots do before their flight to insure that the aircraft is in airworthy condition. During the flight, the person taking the discovery flight will get a chance to take the controls under the watchful guidance and discretion of our flight instructor. Your introductory flight will be approximately 45 minutes, but plan for a little over an hour.
This flight time from your Discovery Flight can be entered in a temporary logbook and will count toward the 40 hour FAA training requirement when you continue training. Please note that Discovery Flights are NOT scenic tours. They are only for individuals genuinely curious about learning to fly. However, additional lesson time can be purchased at our normal rates after enrollment and proof of citizenship.
The extended discovery flight allows up to an hour and a half to explore our Charlotte area, where we will customize your experience based on your exclusive preferences and goals with your aviation future.
Discovery Flights are $450 per flight, but…
You get $100 back on the day of your solo!
The student at the controls gets the credit, can’t be given to anyone else, and is not returned through cash or any equivalent currency other than account credit in FlightSchedulePro. The student must start flying with us within 6 months of the discovery flight.
Are you thinking about a discovery flight but want to see what it’s like? Afraid of small airplanes? Watch a full length discovery flight before you decide to come out!
Call our office to schedule the actual flight. Call us if you have any questions. 704.662.6227
Must be 15 years or older. Discovery flight gift certificates are valid for 1 year from purchase.
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